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Sonntag, 2. September 2018

Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.


We're not making mistakes. We're making experiences.

Hair :
 [RunAway] - Audrey Hair - FaMESHed

ChicModa -Emma Skirt + Tanks - FaMESHed

✔ 100% Original Mesh by Sassy Nitely
✔ Single Color purchases of skirts include the a color change and Show/Hide HUD for the ribbon & panties.
✔ All Packs come with a HUD to change all parts of the skirt and color of tank.
✔ Fitted for Maitreya Lara and Hourglass.


▶ 5 bento poses
▶ TLC  // Starts Sept 3
▶ 250L$  

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