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Sonntag, 11. Februar 2018

I trust only you and the dark always to look at me so honestly


Exploding into a million little pieces of stardust,
you light up the darkness in my soul.


Stealthic - Passion (C88)


* Vanilla Bae * Elena Outfit -- from the awesome STRIP ME COLLECTION --
(exclusive for the Enchantment  )

• Elena Harness -( Regular, Open Collar, Regular with Materials, Open Collar with Materials)
• Elena Panties - ( Regular, Materials)
• Harness HUD (Controls everything on the Harness Only)
• Panties HUD (Controls everything on the panties only)  Strip Me Enabled on 2 steps.


FOXCITY. - Detached-4


Paparazzi BACKDROP - The Room With A View (with raindrops)  

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