↓ - RARE #1 - Long Dress, Shoes, Hip Charm, Clutch ↓
Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon.
* Info*
• Common dresses are non strip (PG) Only Lootbox is strip (Adult)
• Metals and sole HUD for Heels is a common.
• Heels decor is not modifiable.
• Necklace and hip charm do not include HUD.
• Hud for Necklace and Hip charm is a common.
• Clutches/ Holding have animations, turn off Maitreya HUD hand animations.
- RARE #1 - Long Dress, FP HUD for Long Dress + Long Dress Decor, FP HUD for Decor
• 5 Steps Long Dress
• Strip me menu access includes: Private, Public, Add Master
♥ RARE #2 - Corset Dress, FP HUD for Corset Dress + Corset Dress Decor, FP HUD for Corset Dress Decor
• 5 Steps Corset Dress
• Strip me menu access includes: Private, Public, Add Master
• Whole Gacha Set Includes Common Long Dress, Corset Dress, Heels, Panty, Necklace, Hip Charm, Necklace and Hip Charm HUD, Heels metal and Sole HUD, Clutches, Heel Decor and Holding Heels.